I spent way too much time on Diablo 3, so I decided to move my painting area to the living room. That was a very clever idea, because all of a sudden I paint again. As a Latorre-groupie, I once again have to point out, that his sculpts are a great pleasure to paint. I tried a lot of new things here, most of all blacklining. I always thought that this tecnique looks very artificial but I am satisfied with the result. Blacklining seems to add the impression of more and finer details, although thats not true at all. Another new thing I tried is the X21 flat base thingy from Tamiya. This also works fine for me, it makes your colours look dry and almost dusty. I am still stuggling with the right mixture of colour, water and X21 but it gets better and better.
The last thing I tried was to avoid using colours from the pot. That turned out to be a good decision on the finished cloth, as I can regulate the colour temperature of the lights and shadows way better. Usually, I use warm colours for the lights and cold colours for the shadows, this time I did the opposite and I like the outcome of it.
The finished parts took me 3 evenings so far.
Today, summer holidays started here in Bavaria. Expect updates on the blog an a more regular base the next 6 weeks.