Donnerstag, 5. April 2012

Live painting, update 7 (armour)

"Da Sergeant Major asked me what my job was an' I said it was to, uh, do what I was told. He said I was a genius and gave me another medal. I likes da Imperial Guard!"
                                                                                                         Nork Deddog

As I said yesterday, todays progress will be much faster. I started about 90 minutes ago and have already finished the general lights of the armour. Up next is the detail work, scratches etc.

A huge mistake one can make on an area like the plate on his shoulder considers the length of blendings. We tend to paint them equally all the time, that means same lights, same shadows and same lenght of blending. That creates a very artificial look, as this seldom appears in nature. Therefore I used a trick to force myself not to do this mistake. You can see what I did in the picture, the main thing is not to paint all areas at once and to use different tones of the same colour. For more contrast, I painted a warm-cold contrast with those green colours, adding fleshtones for the warmer areas and blue for the cold areas.

Each area still looks a bit strange and isolated but that will change with the next step.

Pics of this mornings work:


3 Kommentare:

  1. Good Morning *yaawwnnn
    where is my Coffe... ah there num num num.

    Tha plae looks nice and shiny so far im looking forward for the endresult.

    u do also a few scratches on it later?

    kindest regards

  2. Erst mal meinen Respekt dafür, dass du dich in den Ferien so früh aus dem Bett quälst;)
    Mit wie vielen Farbabstufungen hast du denn z.B. bei dem hellen Grün gearbeitet?

  3. Hi folks

    @ Acces: just had a coffe as well^^; check the latest update for scratches

    @ Chris: das helle Grün ist im Mittelton eine bunte Mischung aus verschiedensten Farben: blue rlm 65 (VAC), light sea blue (VAC), dark sea blue (VAC), catachan green, camo green und bleached bone. Ich habe dann zuerst mehr camo green dazugemischt, vielleicht 2 Stufen, danach kam nur noch bleached bone dazu, vielleicht nochmal 2 Stufen. Abgedunkelt habe ich dann mit dem hellen Türkiston von den dunklen Flächen. Damit zieht man die Flächen optisch etwas zusammen. Wie schon geschrieben, die Bilder sind sehr bunt geworden, in echt ist es weniger kitschig und stimmiger.

