Donnerstag, 25. August 2011

Live painting, update #5: painting the uniform

The colour of the uniform refers to Osprey Men at Arms # 198, The British Army on Campaign 1856-1881 (page 29 ~ soldier on the left). This link gives some rough information about the regiment the miniature refers to, here you can read about the British activities in Abyssinia.

I painted for two more hours yesterday and managed to put some lights and a few shadows onto the uniform. For further lights I used more Vallejo Air Skin Tone, what proved to be a mistake. The result is a Khaki uniform, instead of a light grey one. I painted several glazes of grey onto the mini but it didn't change the colour that much. Then I decided to either rescue or ruin the mini and mixed some Codex Grey with Chaos Black. This quite dark colour was painted onto all surfaces which were meant to be in the shadow. The result is not breathtaking, but it is ok for me. I then noticed, that the uniform looks very new and unworn, so I painted a lot of dirt by just tipping the brush with thinned down colour on the miniature. Unfortunately, the last pictures don't really show this effect.
The uniform still looks a bit too monotounos for me, so I will paint a few shadows using greens and brown, we will see what happens.

First lights have been added by using more Vallejo Air Skin Tone. After this
Mix, I should have used Bleached Bone....

Soft folds get blendings, hard folds get NO blending, very important...

Current state of the miniature, the focus is quite clear.

I just notices that is might make sense to write an article about different kinds of cloth and the best way to paint them. There was a time when each and every fold on cloth I found became its own blending, what is absolutely not necessary and rather unrealistic.

Sebastian asked about the noozle of the airbrush and the thinning of the colour.
> The noozle I used is 0,3mm, the thinning grade is hard to explain. I try to use as much Vallejo Air as possible because you can use that colour from the pot. Vallejo Model Colour proved quite difficult.


1 Kommentar:

  1. For a rescue-mission the colours work quiet well. Concerning airbrush, there are some other good waterbased acrylics worth trying. Lukas has some and hansa, As far as I know you don't have to thin them either. Tuffskull
